
Monday, 16 December 2024

The third week of Advent

The liturgy of the third week of Advent becomes more complex than the first two weeks have been with the combination of the Advent Ember Days and special seasonal antiphons that are said from the 17th December at the Magnificat, the 'Great O' antiphons, and antiphons at Lauds and the Hours, but not at Vespers, on the six ferial days before the Vigil of the Nativity of the LORD. Also from the same day all Octaves of local feasts cease and private Votive and Requiem Masses are prohibited.
The Ember Days each have a proper collect which is said through the Hours but at Vespers the collect is of the previous Sunday.


  1. Rubricarius,

    Do you know why the proper collects of Ember Days and the proper antiphons for this period are not used at Vespers? There seem to be fewer propers generally during the temporal cycle for Vespers: during Septuagesima and Lent the other hours have proper antiphons, but not Vespers.

  2. Thomas,
    My hypothesis WRT to the collect on Ember Days would be the office of an Ember Day, like a Vigil or feria, runs from Mattins to None. Vespers are really the beginning of the following day. One sees that notably in pre-1911 where a semi-double feast and Sunday concur and there is 'V a cap seq'.

  3. Rubricarius,

    Thank you.

  4. Rubricarius,

    In the entry for Dec. 20, I believe the Last Gospel should be that of the Vigil of St. Thomas, since Ember Friday's Gospel is already read.

  5. The last Gospel indicated for the day is that of the Vigil.

    1. Actually, the entry for Dec. 20 reads "ult Ev feria QT"

  6. What was I thinking? Never mind my last comment. I read the bottom part accidentally. Ignore it and this one.
