Saturday, 28 November 2009

How to...Terce, Sext and None

The hours of Terce, Sext and None are know, along with Prime and Compline, as the 'Little Hours' or Horae Minorae. They contrast with the 'greater hours' of Mattins, Lauds and Vespers. A previous post here looked at the structure of Terce, Sext and None.

Terce, Sext and None all have the same structure comprising of introductory rites, the hymn, an antiphon fragment, three psalms (or sub-divisions of a psalm), antiphon, chapter, responsory, versicle and collect.

As today is the anticipated Vigil of St. Andrew the Apostle a set of prayers called the ferial preces are said at Lauds and the Horae Minorae. In Choir these prayers are said whilst kneeleing and, because also at Mass there are extended periods of kneeling such days are often referred to as 'kneeling days'. In Cathedral and Collegiate practice the Horae Minorae would normally be sung together as one service preceding the singing of Mass, which today is sung after None. For this post Prime will be omitted from the description and we will begin with Terce.

At Terce: The texts are found in the Breviary at 'Sabbato ad Tertiam'. Pater & Ave, Deus in adjutorium, Domine ad adjuvandum, Lesser Doxology, Alleluia. The hymn Nunc Sancte nobis Spiritus, the antiphon fragment (only) Clamor meus, followed by psalm divisions 101(i), 101(ii) and 101(iii). The Lesser Doxology is said after each of the three psalm divisions but the antiphon is only repeated after the last and then said in its entirety, Clamor meus...faciem tuam a me.

The chapter Sana me is then said followed by the responsory Sana animam meam etc. Following that the versicle and response, Adjutor meus esto & Neque despicias me. Then, because today is a Vigil the ferial preces are said. These are (now) a short series of Kyrie eleison etc, Pater noster and four versicles and their responses. Then follows the collect of the Vigil, Quaesumus, then Benedicamus Domino etc and Fidelium animae.

At Sext: Pater & Ave, Deus in adjutorium, Domine ad adjuvandum, Lesser Doxology, Alleluia. The hymn Rector potens verax Deus, the antiphon fragment (only) Domine, Deus meus, followed by psalm divisions 103(i), 103(ii) and 103(iii). The Lesser Doxology is said after each of the three psalm divisions but the antiphon is only repeated after the last and then said in its entirety, Domine, Deus meus, magnificatus es vehementer.

The chapter Nemini quidquam is then said followed by the responsory Benedicam Dominum etc. Following that the versicle and response, Dominus regit & In loco pascuae. Then, again, the ferial preces are said Kyrie eleison etc, Pater noster and four versicles and their responses. Then follows the collect of the Vigil, Quaesumus, then Benedicamus Domino etc and Fidelium animae.

At None: Pater & Ave, Deus in adjutorium, Domine ad adjuvandum, Lesser Doxology, Alleluia. The hymn Rerum Deus tenax vigor, the antiphon fragment (only) Ne tacueris Deus, followed by psalm divisions 108(i), 108(ii) and 108(iii). The Lesser Doxology is said after each of the three psalm divisions but the antiphon is only repeated after the last and then said in its entirety, Ne tacueris Deus, quia sermonibus odii circumdederunt me.

The chapter In timore is then said followed by the responsory Redime me, Domine etc. Following that the versicle and response, Ab occultis & Et ab alienis. Then, again, the ferial preces are said Kyrie eleison etc, Pater noster and four versicles and their responses. Then follows the collect of the Vigil, Quaesumus, then Benedicamus Domino etc and Fidelium animae.

Mass of the Vigil is then sung with the second collect Concede nos and third Ecclesiae. However after Mass in the afternoon Vespers remain in the liturgical colour violet for Advent Sunday, the subject of the next post.

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