Sunday, 12 January 2025

Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany - The Holy Family

The feast of the Holy Family is of greater-double rite and its liturgical colour is white. The feast was granted by Leo XIII in 1893 in response to numerous petitions from Ordinaries and originally placed on the third Sunday after the Epiphany. Following the reforms of 1911-13 - which aimed to remove the celebration of feasts assigned to Sundays - Benedict XV assigned the feast to the Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany and extended it to the Universal Kalendar. Although of only greater-double rite it is classed as a feast of the LORD and so takes precedence over the semi-double Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany.

At Vespers yesterday afternoon the antiphons Jacob autem etc were sung, doubled, with psalms 109, 112 & 121, 126 & 147. The Office hymn was O lux beata caelitum. After the collect of the feast commemorations were sung of the Octave of the Epiphany (the antiphon on the Magnificat being proper to the 11th January, Admoniti Magi etc) and of the Sunday within the Octave. At Compline Te lucis was sung with the Doxology of the feast Jesu, tuis obediens etc.

At Mattins the invitatory is proper to the feast, Christum Dei Filium etc and the Office hymn is Sacra jam splendent. In the first nocturn the antiphons Cum inducerent etc are sung, doubled, with psalms 8, 18 & 23 and the lessons are from St. Paul's Epistle to the Colossians. In the second nocturn the antiphons Consurgens Joseph etc are sung, doubled, with psalms 44, 45 & 86 and the lessons are taken from a brief of Leo XIII. In the third nocturn the antiphons Ibant parentes Jesu etc are sung with psalms 95, 96 & 97. The homily is from St. Bernard on St. Luke's Gospel. The Te Deum is sung. At Lauds the antiphons Post triduum etc are sung, doubled, with the Dominical psalms. The Office hymn is O gente felix hospita. After the collect of the feast commemorations are sung of the Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany and of the Octave of the Epiphany (the antiphon on the Benedictus being proper to the 12th January, Manifeste magnus est etc.

At Prime and the Hours the antiphons from Lauds are sung in the usual order. The hymns of the Hours have the Doxology proper to the feast. At Prime, Pss. 53, 118(i) & 118(ii), the versicle Qui Mariae et Joseph subditus fuisti is sung in the short responsory and the lectio brevis is Semetipsum exinanivit.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of the Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany and the third collect is of the Octave of the Epiphany. The Creed is sung, the preface and communicantes are of the Epiphany.

After None first Vespers of the Octave Day of the Epiphany are sung.  The antiphons Ante luciferum genitus etc are sung, doubled, with Pss. 109, 110, 111, 112 & 116 as on the feast. The Office hymn is Crudelis Herodes Deum. After the, proper, collect of the Octave Day commemorations are sung of the Holy Family and  of the Sunday within the Octave. At Compline Te lucis has the Doxology of the Epiphany.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' the feast of the Holy Family has been raised to II Class (in order for it to precedence over the Sunday) and gains a first Vespers at which there were no commemorations. The Octave of the Epiphany has been abolished.  At Compline on Saturday, and at the Hours the hymns have the ordinary Doxology. At Lauds there are no commemorations. At Prime and the Hours the antiphons and psalmody are of the Sunday (at Prime Pss. 117, 118(i) & 118(ii), and  the lectio brevis is of 'Epiphanytide'. At Mass there is a single collect. Vespers are of the Holy Family without any commemorations.


Matthew Roth said...

This isn't related to the Holy Family, although I have some complaints there, but where else can I put this…?

I'm doing the ordo for Sunday Vespers. In practice, we mostly use the 1954 (with some glaring exceptions such as the votive Mass of the IHM on First Saturdays, even when it's really not allowed). But the most reliable ordo is this paper ordo, particularly since it's in my hands at the beginning of the year.

This presents a problem for the Sunday in the octave of the Ascension this year. I am not especially fond of bumping Saint Angela Merici in favor of a new double of the II class, and although I have no love for Saint Angela motivating this, it's just that one more feast invariably falling during the busiest season of the church's year of grace should make one wonder about priorities. But bump her we do (at least when the online ordo is used versus the SLP ordo). Yet I now have to guess where to put her commemoration (these are the rubrics which I struggle with the most at Vespers). And she's on the wrong day in the liturgical book used by the priest…who will not have said the Queenship office if he uses that book. So what's the point?

Rubricarius said...

Sorry Matthew but I don't quite get what you are asking.

I have never understood the US 'thing' about 1954 as it seems such an arbitrary date to me. Nor do I understand why people want to observe the Queenship feast when it was first celebrated after the May 1st defenestration.