Saturday 27 November 2010

Ordo Recitandi 2011

Ordo Recitandi 2011 is available for despatch now, indeed some two hundred copies have already been sent to customers. Paper reminder forms have been posted today - probably the last year we will be able to do this as the postage for a letter to the USA now costs 67p and just to send one across the English Channel to France now costs 60p.

The Ordo may be ordered by following this link.

Ordo 2011 has had some improvement work in relation to previous editions. The 2011 edition, at the request of a valued customer and friend in the USA, has letters that signify the type of psalm that is to be sung at the Canonical Hours. This was a feature of many Ordines produced in the past such as the Burns Oates versions from here in England.

The reader will need to consult the bottom of page 15 for the details of the explanation. However, in each day's entry immediately after the rank of day there are now three small letters, e.g. '(pdF)' on January 1st. These indicate the psalmody for Mattins, Lauds and the Hours: 'p' indicates the psalms are proper; 'd' indicates the Dominical psalms are sung at Lauds; and 'F' indicates the Festal psalms are sung at the Hours, i.e. at Prime the first psalm is Deus, in nomine tuo. At the end of the day's entry two other letters indicate the psalmody for Vespers and Compline: for January 1st these have the indicators '(pd)': 'p' indicates proper psalms at Vespers; and 'd' the Dominical psalms at Compline.

January 1st is a straight forward example but some days are more complex, e.g. St. Agnes on January 21st where we have '(pdf)'. This means proper psalms at Mattins, Dominical psalms at Lauds but ferial - note the use of lower case 'f' - psalms at the Hours. Whether the second scheme of Lauds is sung, and the fourth psalm added to Prime is also indicated. We trust that users will find this addition helpful.

Remember you can email your order form to us:

1 comment:

The Flying Dutchman said...

I received my copy today. Thank you!