Sunday 31 October 2010

Christ the King

Today is the feast of Christ the King, a Double of the First Class. It is also the twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost and the first Sunday of November. The feast of Christ the King was instituted by Pius XI in 1925. It is an interesting example of another feast being permanently celebrated on a Sunday in contrast to the ideology of the reform that had taken place just over a decade before its promulgation. The liturgical colour of the feast is white and the Office is proper.

At Mattins the invitatory is Jesum Christum, Regem regum Venite adoremus. In the first nocturn the lessons are taken from St. Paul's Epistle to the Colossians. In the second nocturn the lessons are taken from Pius XI's encyclical Quas primas. In the third nocturn the homily on St. John's Gospel is taken from the writings of St. Augustine. The ninth lesson is the homily appointed for the twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost. All three lessons of that may be read as one by the enthusiastic. At Lauds the antiphons Suscitabit etc are sung with the Sunday psalms. After the collect of the feast a commemoration is sung of the Sunday.

At Prime and the Hours the antiphons Suscitabit etc are sung with the feastal psalms. The Doxology is sung with all the hymns of the Hours. At Prime the versicle in the short responsory is Qui primatum in omnibus tenes and the lectio brevis In ipso.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of the Sunday, the Creed is sung. The preface is proper to the feast and the last Gospel is that of the Sunday.

Vespers are first Vespers of the great feast of All Saints. The antiphons Vidi turbam magnam etc are sung with Pss. 109, 110, 111, 112 & 116. The Office hymn is Placare, Christe, servulis (sung with the Doxology of the concurrent feast). After the collect of the feast a commemoration is sung of the preceding Office of Christ the King and of the Sunday.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' at Mattins in the third nocturn, the third psalm (Ps. 88) gets stripped of over half its verses. Verses Tu vero repulisti... to Benedictus Dominus in aeternam, fiat, fiat, 39 - 53, are omitted. The former eighth lesson is split into two to provide an eighth and ninth lesson as the homily of the Sunday is omitted as a ninth lesson. (If the Sunday were commemorated at Mattins it would be the fifth Sunday of October, not the first of November. So from now until the third Sunday the Mattins lessons in the 1962 rite will be a week behind those in the traditional rites). At Lauds there is no commemoration sung of the Sunday. At Prime and the Hours the Doxology for the feast is omitted. At Prime the lectio brevis is of the season. At Mass there is no commemoration of the Sunday and the last Gospel is In principio. Vespers are second Vespers of Christ the King with a commemoration of All Saints but no commemoration of the Sunday.

Saturday 30 October 2010

Vigil of All Saints

The Vigil of All Saints is anticipated today as the 31st October falls on a Sunday this year. The Vigil is of simple rite and the liturgical colour is violet. The ferial tone is used for the orations and for the preface and Pater noster at Mass.

At Mattins the invitatory, hymn, antiphons and psalms are those of Saturday but the lessons, Descendens Jesus, are taken from the Common of Several Martyrs with the responsories taken from the Saturday of the fourth week of October. At Lauds the second scheme of psalmody is sung with Pss. 50, 91, 63, the O.T. canticle Audite, caeli & 150. After the antiphon on the Benedictus is repated the ferial preces are sung with the choir kneeling. After the collect of the Vigil the Suffrage of the Saints is omitted (prior to the 1911 reform the series of Suffrages were sung as on any Vigil or ferial day.

At Prime the fourth psalms, Ps. 149, that is allocated to the first schema of Lauds is added to the three psalms for Saturday. Both the Dominical and ferial preces are sung, the choir kneeling. At the other Horae Minorae the short series of ferial preces are sung, again with the choir kneeling.

Mass is sung after None. The ministers wear violet dalmatic and tunicle. There is no Gloria. The second collect is of the Holy Ghost, Deus,qui corda, the third collect either for the Church or the pope. As it is a 'kneeling day' the choir kneels for the prayers and from the Sanctus until Pax Domini. As the Gloria is not sung the dismissal is Benedicamus Domino.

Vespers are first Vespers of the feast of Christ the King with a corresponding colour change to festive white. The Office is proper and the antiphons Pacificus vocabitur etc are sung with Pss. 109, 110, 111, 112 and 116. The hymn is Te saeculorum Principem. For the feast all hymns of Iambic metre are sung with the Doxology Jesu, tibi sit gloria, Qui sceptra mundi temperas, Cum Patre et almo Spiritu, In sempiterna saecula. After the collect of the feast the Sunday is commemorated. The antiphon on the Magnificat is Vidi, Dominum for the Saturday before the first Sunday in November.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' the Vigil of All Saints has been abolished. Today is kept as a fourth class Office of the BVM on Saturday. At Vespers there is no commemoration of the Sunday (if there were the antiphon for the Saturday before the fifth Sunday in October would be used). At Compline and the other Horae Minorae the special Doxology is omitted.

Thursday 28 October 2010

SS Simon and Jude Apostles

The feast of SS Simon and Jude is a Double of the Second Class. The feast of these two apostles is kept on the anniversary of the transfer of their relics to Old St. Peter's in Rome in the seventh century. St. Simon is traditionally believed to have been martyred by a curved sword and St. Jude, also known as Thaddaeus, was martryed by a club. The two probably met, preaching the Gospel, in Mesopotamia.

Yesterday a Vigil preceded the feast. At Mattins there were three, proper, lessons. The second scheme of Lauds was used, the penitential form beginning with the psalm Miserere (actually the pre-1911 ferial Lauds). The ferial preces were sung, kneeling at Lauds and all the Hours. At Lauds the Suffrage of the Saints was sung after the collect of the Vigil.

Mass was sung after None. The deacon and sub-deacon wore dalmatic and tunicle, not folded chasubles. The chant for the Mass was ferial, the second collect was Concede nos, and the third for the Church or pope. Being a 'kneeling day' all in choir kneel for the orations and from the Sanctus to the response after Pax Domini. As there was no Gloria , following the usual rule, Benedicamus Domino is the dismissal.

Vespers were first Vespers of the Holy Apostles SS Simon and Jude. The antiphons from the Common of Apostles, Hoc est praeceptum meum etc are sung with Pss. 109, 110, 111, 112 and 116. At Mattins the antiphons and psalms are taken from the Common of Apostles. The lessons in the first nocturn are the Incipit of St. Jude's Epistle. In the second nocturn the fourth lesson is an historical one and the fifth and sixth from a sermon of St. Gregory. In the third nocturn the homily on St. John's Gospel is from the writings of St. Augustine.

At Lauds the Dominical psalms are sung under the antiphons Hoc est praeceptum meum etc. Prime is festal with psalm 53 and the lectio brevis Ibant Apostoli. Festal psalmody is used at the Little Hours.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria and Creed are sung and the preface is that of the Apostles.

Vespers are second Vespers of the feast (Pss. 109, 112, 115, 125 & 139).

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' the Vigil for the feast has been stripped away completely and in its place a 'Fourth Class' ferial day. First Vespers of the feast has been stripped away too to be replaced by ferial Vespers. However, Mattins at least retains its three nocturns. At the Little Hours the ferial antiphons and psalter are used. At Prime the lectio brevis is of the season, not of the feast.

Sunday 24 October 2010

XXII Sunday after Pentecost

The twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost is of semi-double rite. This year it is the fourth Sunday of October. The liturgical colour is green. It is also Missionary Sunday. A rescript of the SRC in 1926 set aside the last Sunday but one of October to be a day of special prayer for missionary work. To the collects of the day at Mass is added the prayer Pro Propagatione Fidei from the Votive Mass for that purpose. The Gospel pericopes from St. Matthew contain the account of the Pharisees trying to trap the LORD over tribute to Caesar and the LORD's rebuttal of "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God those things that are God's."

At Vespers yesterday afternoon the psalms of Saturday were sung. The antiphon on the Magnificat was Exaudiat Dominus for the Saturday before the Fourth Sunday in October. After the collect of the Sunday commemoration was sung of St. Raphael the Archangel. The Suffrage of the Saints was omitted because of the occurring double feasts and at Compline the Dominical preces were omitted for the same reason.

At Mattins in the first nocturn the lessons are the Incipit of the Second Book of the Machabees. In the second nocturn the lessons are from a tract of St. Chrysostom on the forty-third psalm. In the third nocturn the homily is from St. Hiliary on St. Matthew's Gospel. At Lauds, after the collect of the Sunday, a commemoration is sung of St. Raphael the Archangel. The Suffrage of the Saints is omitted.

At Prime (Pss. 117, 118i & 118ii) both Quicumque and the Dominical preces are omitted because of the occurring double feast.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of St. Raphael. The third collect is Deus, qui omnes homines from the Votive Mass for the Propagation of the Faith. The Creed is sung, the preface of the Blessed Trinity and the last Gospel is of St. Raphael.

Vespers are of the Sunday. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations are sung of the following feast of SS Chrysanthus and Dari and of St. Raphael the Archangel.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' there are no commemorations or Suffrage at Vespers. Liturgical celebration of St. Raphael is omitted this year. Even though no feast is commemorated the Domincial preces are omitted at Prime and Compline. Mattins is cut down to one nocturn of three lessons. At Lauds there is neither commemoration nor Suffrage. At Mass the collect for the Propagation of the Faith is added to the collect of the Sunday under one conclusion, the last Gospel is obviously In principio. Vespers are of the Sunday without any commemorations.

Art: Jerome Nadal

Sunday 17 October 2010

XXI Sunday after Pentecost

The twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost is of semi-double rite. This year it is the third Sunday of October. The Gospel pericopes from St. Matthew contain the parable of the unjust and ungrateful servant who, forgiven his debts by the King, demands what is owed to him from others and shews complete ingratitude.

At Vespers yesterday afternoon the psalms of Saturday were sung. The antiphon on the Magnificat was Lugebat autem Judam for the Saturday before the Third Sunday in October. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations were sung of the preceding Office of St. Hedwig and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. The Suffrages of the Saints was omitted because of the occurring double feasts and at Compline the Dominical preces were omitted for the same reason.

At Mattins in the first nocturn the lessons continue to be read from the First Book of the Machabees. In the second nocturn the lessons are from the Book of Offices of St. Ambrose. In the third nocturn the homily is from St. Jerome on the eighteenth chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel. At Lauds, after the collect of the Sunday, a commemoration is sung of St. Margaret Mary. The Suffrage of the Saints is omitted.

At Prime (Pss. 117, 118i & 118ii) both Quicumque and the Dominical preces are omitted because of the occurring double feast.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of St. Margaret Mary. There is no third collect today. The Creed is sung as is the preface of the Blessed Trinity.

Vespers are first Vespers of the following feast of St. Luke the Evangelist. The liturgical colour becomes red. The antiphons Hoc est praeceptum meum etc are sung with the Psalms from the Common of Apostles (109, 110, 111, 112 & 116). After the collect of feast commemorations are sung of the Sunday and of St. Margaret Mary.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' there are no commemorations or Suffrage at Vespers. Even though no feast is commemorated the Domincial preces are omitted at Prime and Compline. Mattins is cut down to one nocturn of three lessons. At Lauds there is neither a commemoration nor Suffrage. At Mass there is one collect. St. Margaret Mary is omitted completely this year (save a mention in the Martyrology yesterday). Vespers are of the Sunday without any commemorations.

Art: Jerome Nadal

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Prayers for the Chilean Miners

In the unlikely event that readers are not aware of the situation please say a prayer for the rescue of all of the Chilean miners (and thanks for the Bolivian man who was brought to the surface earlier today).

Having returned home from a drinks party I see we now have 24 out of 33 safe. May the remaining nine be brought to the arms of their families by morning.

Update: Deo gratias!

Sunday 10 October 2010

XX Sunday after Pentecost

The twentieth Sunday after Pentecost is of semi-double rite. This year it is the second Sunday of October. The Gospel pericopes from St. John give the account of the healing of the ruler's son at Capharnaum.

At Vespers yesterday afternoon the psalms of Saturday were sung. The antiphon on the Magnificat was Refulsit sol for the Saturday before the Second Sunday in October. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations were sung of the preceding Office of SS Dionysius, Rusticus & Eleutherius and of St. Francis Borgia. After the commemorations the Suffrage of the Saints was sung. At Compline the Dominical preces were sung.

At Mattins the invitatory is Adoremus Dominum etc., the hymn Primo die, as last week. In the first nocturn the lessons continue to be read from the First Book of the Machabees. In the second nocturn the lessons are from St. Augustine writings on the City of God. In the third nocturn the homily is from St. Gregory on the Gospel. At Lauds the Office hymn is Aeterne rerum Conditor as last week. After the collect of the Sunday, a commemoration is sung of St. Francis Borgia followed by the Suffrage of the Saints.

At Prime (Pss. 117, 118i & 118ii) both Quicumque and the Dominical preces are sung.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of St. Francis Borgia. The third collect is A cunctis. The Creed is sung as is the preface of the Blessed Trinity.

Vespers are first Vespers of the following feast of the Maternity of the BVM. The liturgical colour is white. The antiphons Beata es etc are sung with the Psalms from the Common of the BVM (109, 112, 121, 126 & 147). The Office hymn is Ave, maris stella. A commemoration is sung of the Sunday. At Compline Te lucis is sung with the Doxology and melody of the Incarnation Jesu tibi sit gloria etc.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' there are no commemorations or Suffrage at Vespers nor Domincial preces at Compline. Mattins is cut down to one nocturn of three lessons. At Lauds there is neither a commemoration nor Suffrage. Quicumque and the preces are not sung at Prime. At Mass there is one collect. Vespers are of the Sunday without any commemoration.

Art: Jerome Nadal

Sunday 3 October 2010

XIX Sunday after Pentecost

The nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost is, this year, the first Sunday of October. The Sunday is of semi-double rite and the liturgical colour is green. The Gospel pericopes contain the parable of the wedding feast from St. Matthew's Gospel with the sobering concluding words of the LORD Multi enim sunt vocati, pauci vero electi.

At Vespers yesterday afternoon the psalms of Saturday were sung. The antiphon on the Magnificat was Adaperiat Dominus for the Saturday before the first Sunday in October. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations were sung of the preceding Office of the Holy Guardian Angels and of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus. The Suffrage of the Saints was omitted because of the double feasts as were the Dominical preces at Compline.

At Mattins the invitatory on Sundays now becomes Adoremus Dominum, Quoniam ipse fecit nos until Advent and the Office hymn changes from Nocte surgentes to Primo die. In the first nocturn the lessons are the Incipit of the First Book of the Machabees. In the second nocturn the lessons are from St. Ambrose's book of Offices. In the third nocturn the homily is from St. Gregory on St. Matthew's Gospel. At Lauds the Office hymn changes from Ecce jam noctis to Aeterne rerum Conditor. After the collect of the Sunday, a commemoration is sung of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus. The Suffrage is omitted because of the occurring double feast.

At Prime (Pss. 117, 118i & 118ii) both Quicumque and the Dominical preces are omitted because of the double feast.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of St. Teresa. There is no third collect. The Creed is sung as is the preface of the Blessed Trinity.

As, prior to the 1911-13 reform, this Sunday used to be the feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the BVM the rubrics allow for all Masses today, except the Conventual Mass, to be of the Most Holy Rosary. The Mass Gaudeamus is sung, the second collect is of the Sunday (in said Masses the third collect is of St. Teresa). The Creed is sung, the preface is of the BVM and the last Gospel is of the Sunday. White vestments are worn by the ministers.

Vespers are of the Sunday, a commemoration is sung of the following Office of St. Francis and of St. Teresa. The Suffrage of the Saints is omitted as are the Dominical preces at Compline.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' the Sundays of October this year come back into 'sync' with the old rite. Mattins is cut down to one nocturn. There are no commemorations at either Vespers, Lauds or Mass.

Art: Jerome Nadal