The seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost is of semi-double rite and its liturgical colour, until Vespers, is green. This year it is the second Sunday of October. The Gospel pericopes at Mattins and Mass come from the twenty-second chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel and have the Pharisees asking the LORD what is the greatest commandment. Being also the first Sunday in October it is Rosary Sunday.
At Vespers yesterday afternoon the psalms of Saturday were sung. The Office hymn was Jam sol recedit igneus. The antiphon on the Magnificat was Refulsit sol for the Saturday before the second Sunday of October. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations were sung of St. Bruno. The Suffrage of the Saints was omitted due to the double feast as were the Dominical preces at Compline.
At Mattins the invitatory is Adoremus Dominum etc and the Office hymn is Primo die. In the first nocturn the lessons continue to be read from the First Book of the Machabees. In the second nocturn the lessons are taken from St. Augustine writings on the City of God. In the third nocturn the homily is from St. Chrysostom on St. Matthew's Gospel. At Lauds the Office hymn is Aeterne rerum Conditor. After the collect of the Sunday a commemoration is sung of St. Bruno. The Suffrage of the Saints is omitted.
At Prime (Pss. 117, 118i & 118ii) both Quicumque and the Dominical preces are omitted.
Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of St. Bruno. Today there is no third collect. The Creed is sung as is the preface of the Blessed Trinity.
As, prior to the reform of 1911-13, the first Sunday in October was the feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all Masses, except the Conventual Mass may be of the feast. The Mass Gaudeamus is sung in white vestments. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of the Sunday and the third collect is of St. Bruno. The Creed is sung, the preface is of the Blessed Virgin and the last Gospel is of the Sunday.
At Vespers the liturgical colour changes to white and first Vespers of the feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary are sung. The antiphons Quae est ista are sung, doubled, with psalms 109, 112, 121, 126 & 147. The Office hymn is Caelestis aulae Nuntius. After the collect of the feast commemorations are sung of the Sunday and of St. Bruno. The Suffrage is omitted. At Compline Te lucis is sung with the melody and Doxology of the Incarnation, Jesu, tibi...Qui natus etc. The Dominical preces are omitted.
In the 'liturgical books of 1962' today is the first Sunday of October. At Vespers the antiphon on the Magnificat was Adaperiat Dominus, there were no commemorations. Mattins is cut down to one nocturn the first and second lesson are from the Incipit of the Book of Machabees. At Lauds there are no commemorations. At Mass there is but a single collect. The feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the BVM has been renamed BVM of the Rosary. A votive Mass of that may be celebrated today but without commemoration of St. Bruno and without the last Gospel of the Sunday. Vespers are of the Sunday.
Art: Jerome Nadal
A general question: Dear Rubricarius, next year, 2020, marks the centenary of the typical edition of the Roman Missal promulgated by Pope Saint Pius X. and published by Pope Benedict XV. Could you please be so kind as to recomment articles or books or historical documents which deal with work that preceded this editio typica? Best regards, ChMH
Mr. Hagen,
I do not know of any articles specifically on the MR1920 per se although there may be something in Ephemerides Liturgicae. In terms of works I would suggest:
Burton, E. & Myers, E.,'The New Psalter and Its Use', Longmans, Green & Co, 1912
Hetherington, A.J., 'Notes on the New Rubrics', Burns Oates, 1912
I will put together an article specifically on the reform of the Missal next year.
I am looking forward to your article.
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