Sunday 19 June 2022

The Octave of Corpus Christi


Joël said...

Could you explain what does "Ad Primam in Mart° loco" mean ?

Paulus said...

1. So the Octave of Corpus Christi does allow 9th lesson at Matins as a commemoration but only of the 2 vigils?

2. Why is there a commemoration of Saint William at all this year? I thought this scheme (Lauds + private Masses) applied to 2nd class feasts.

Nic said...

I was shocked to hear from a friend who is good enough to provide music to the postconciliar Church, that the NAtivity of the Baptist had been transferred - backwards by a day - to the Thursday of this week - for novus ordo rites. I believe this is actually anti-Christian: the Church keeps vigil through every night awaiting the Lord's return. At the start of the day, (I vespers) she turns the page to pray what is proper to that day, and if two days occur, the greater feast is celebrated and the second is moved forward to a future free da y - that will be celebrated if God does not intervene, generally or in a personal case. Moving a feast backwards in the calendar is presuming that you would have been spared to celebrate it and it is wrong.

Paul said...

I believe there is a mistake. According to the rubric before Friday within the Octave of Corpus Christi, there should be no IX Lesson of any Feast commemorated. So the Vigil of St. John the Baptist Matins reading would be omitted this year.

Thomas said...


Which has the higher rank, the Dedication of the Cathedral, or the Titular of one's own church? In the church I regularly attend they fall on the same day, so I'm trying to work out which gets transferred and whose octave is commemorated first. I thought the Dedication would outrank as it's higher up in the list of I class feasts, but the Titular would be 'more proper' Am I missing something in the rubrics?

Paulus said...

Re: my question about commemoration on Saturday: I was not aware this was changed, presumably in 1911 - 1913.

Peter said...

On Saturday, June 25 (transferred feast of S. John Baptist), should the antiphons at Vespers be taken from the 1st Vespers of the feast, since the first Vespers were not said yesterday (owing to the feast of the Sacred Heart)? I have seen one breviary that says this in a rubric and others which do not.

Rubricarius said...

Apologies for the late approval of comments. With the train strike etc last week I have been even more stretched than usual.

a) Ad Prim in Mart - the first entry in the Martyrology that day;
b) within II order octaves ninth lessons of feasts are not said but those of Vigils are.
c) St John the Baptist is not a primary double feast of the Lord so does allow commemoration of a simplified feast.
d) As to moving the antiphons my 1936 BR does not mention it but one from the 1944 does.