Sunday 11 December 2022

The third week of Advent - Ember Week


Peter said...

Dear Rubricarius,

Is it possible there is a mistake in the Ordo in prescribing the Preface of Our Lady for Mass of the Ember Wednesday on December 14? I do not really understand the reason why, but the Additiones to the rubrics, VIII, states that the Preface of the BVM is never used for Masses of the season in Advent. Likewise, the rubric in the missal for December 14 states that the conventual Mass should be that of the feria when Ember Wednesday falls on that date and that the Common Preface should be used for that Mass (although private Masses may be of the Octave).

Thank you for any light you can shed on this mystery!

Paul said...

I find it interesting in the pre-DA rubrics that for Dec. 14, the Mass is the Ember Day, with the Commemoration of the Octave and the additional collect of the Holy Ghost.

Rubricarius said...

An interesting point - I'll revert to when time permits.

Rubricarius said...

Which would be what would have been the case for a conventual Maas, interesting.

Rubricarius said...

Yes, a mistake according to the post 1911-13 rubrics. Not one by Magister Johannes but of myself appearing first in 2004 then re-appearing in 2005, 2011, 2021 and 2022. Of course, in the more traditional scheme of rubrics as Advent did not have its own preface that of the BVM would have been said. Thank you for pointing this out.

Gavantus gives the same direction: Mass of the Ember Wednesday with commemoration of the Octave etc.