Sunday 30 April 2023

The first week of May


Joël said...

Isn't the Apocalypse supposed to be read for St John ?

In I. Nocturno legitur initium Epistolae primae beati Joannis, ut infra, nisi eo tempore legatur de libro Apocalypsis vel de aliqua ejus Epistola ; tunc enim ponuntur Lectiones eo die occurrentes.

Paul said...


Your quote shows what really should be read: the beginning of the 1st Epistle of St. John, *not the Apocalypse*!

Paul said...

Oops. Disregard what I wrote. I mistakenly thought it was a different Epistle that was read that week. You're right, Joël.

Rubricarius said...

Ordo 2023 was proofed against a 1939 Swiss and a 1944 French Ordo. Both indicated the Incipit of the 1st Epistle of St John. Some pre=PiusX online ordines have the same e.g. here.

Having considered your comments I concur with your view.