Sexagesima Sunday is a semi-double Sunday of the second class and its liturgical colour, until Vespers this year, is violet. The Sunday is characterised by a very lengthy Epistle from St. Paul's Latter Epistle to the Corinthians. The Gospel pericopes are from St. Luke and contain the parable of the sower with his seed landing on rock, amongst weeds and on the good ground. The Vigil of St. Matthias the Apostle was anticipated yesterday.
At Vespers yesterday afternoon the antiphons and psalms of Saturday were sung. The chapter was proper to the Sunday, Fratres: Libenter suffertis, and the Office hymn was Jam sol recedit igneus. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations were sung of the preceding Office of St. Peter's Chair at Antioch, of St. Paul the Apostle and St. Peter Damian. The Suffrage of the Saints was omitted as were the Dominical preces at Compline.
At Mattins the invitatory is Praeoccupemus and the Office hymn is Primo die. The antiphons and psalms are from the Psalter for Sundays. In the first nocturn the lessons continue to be read from Genesis (Ch. 5 & 6) with the beginning of the story of Noah. In the second nocturn the lessons are from St. Ambrose on Noah and the Ark and in the third nocturn the lessons are a homily from St. Gregory on the Gospel of the seed falling on good and poor ground. A ninth responsory, Cum turba plurima, is sung in place of the Te Deum.
At Lauds the 'second scheme' of psalms is sung: Pss 50, 117, 62, Canticle of the Three Children (Benedictus es) and 148. The antiphons at Lauds are proper for Sexagesima Sunday, Secundum magnam misericordiam etc as are the chapter and antiphon on the Benedictus. The Office hymn is Aeterne. After the collect of the Sunday a commemoration is sung of St. Peter Damian. The Suffrage of the Saints is omitted.
At Prime the order of psalmody is Pss. 92, 99 (displaced at Lauds) 118(i) & 118(ii). The Dominical preces are omitted. At the Hours the antiphons, Semen cecidit etc, and chapters are proper to Sexagesima Sunday.
Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is omitted, the second collect is of St. Peter Damian. Today there is no third collect. A Tract is sung after the Gradual, the Creed is sung, the Preface is of the Trinity and Benedicamus Domino is sung as the dismissal by the deacon facing the altar.
After None there is a colour change to red and first Vespers of the feast of St. Matthias the Apostle are sung. The antiphons Hoc est praeceptum meum etc are sung, doubled, with Pss. 109, 110, 111, 112 & 116. The Office hymn is Exsultet orbis gaudiis. After the collect of the feast commemorations are sung of the Sunday and of St. Peter Damian. The Suffrage is omitted as are the Dominical preces at Compline.
In the 'liturgical books of 1962' the Vigil of St. Mathias has been abolished. At Vespers there are no commemorations. Mattins is cut down to a single nocturn. At Lauds there are no commemorations. At Prime the arrangement of psalmody is festal, Pss. 53, 118(i), 118(ii). At Mass there is single collect and Benedicamus Domino is suppressed in favour of Ite, missa est. Vespers are of the Sunday without any commemoration of St. Matthias.
Art: Jerome Nadal
In response to a question in the comments below here is an image from a 1932 Dessain BR, Hiemalis volume, in my collection of the Common of Apostles. It will be noted that Alleluia is within parentheses indicating its omission in Septuagesima as in the case of St. Matthias this year.
Dear Rubricarius,
I am praying the Divine Office, and I would like to ask you about the allelujas after the Septaguesima. There shouldn't be any, but even if we're using the dominical psalms with the antiphones of the common of apostles (thus we avoid the allelujas in the antiphones of Sunday, like today), there are allelujas in the antiphones of the matins in the common, and there are no proper antiphones for St. Matthias to substitute them for those of the common. Should we just pray 'miserere' instead in this case? I don't seem to see the solution for this in the Ordo Recitandi. Thanks in advance.
The antiphons from the Common are said but those, e.g. Exaltabuntur etc which have Alleluia are said simply without that word. Some printings of the Breviary will show it in parenthesis to indicate this.
Sorry if this is a silly question, but is the alleluja omitted in the sixth lesson for St Gregory? I just wondered, because his feast is always during Lent, but the word is printed as part of the lesson. Or is there a difference between just saying it as a historical reference as opposed to being an acclamation?
If the Forty Hours Devotion is held during Carnival this year (i.e., the three days from Quinquagesima Sunday to Shorve Tuesday), at the Votive Mass for Peace on Monday, should the prayer "Fidelium" be added, as it is a ferial Monday?
It is not a silly question at all. In that context the word is read. IIRC there was an article about it on NLM a couple of years ago.
Thank you Rubricarius.
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