Friday, 17 September 2010

Coming soon...

Ordo 2011 is at the final proof stage and will be at the printers next week so watch this space!

2011 is an interesting year with Holy Pascha falling on the 24th April something that has not happened since 1859 and, before that, 1791. Pascha will not fall again on this date until 2095 which I will not be around to see.

As part of continuing improvement and at the request of a highly valued customer in the USA Ordo 2011 will have some additional information. On each day there will be an indication for the Canonical Hours of whether the psalmody is proper, Dominical or ferial. The Ordines the English publisher Burns Oates used to produce indicated this as no doubt did editions printed by other publishing houses.

The entries will indicate the psalms for the particular Hours. On major feasts this is, of course, relatively straight-forward but more complex on other days e.g. the feast of St. Agnes has proper psalms at Mattins, Sunday psalms at Lauds and ferial psalms at the Hours and proper psalms at Vespers. St. Clement has ferial psalms at Mattins and the Hours but Sunday psalms at Lauds and proper psalms at Vespers. Hopefully, the addition of indicative letters will help the increasing numbers of people discovering the richness of the Traditional rite.


Capreolus said...

I'm looking forward to it! The changes sound like they will be a good addition. Thanks again, as always, for your outstanding work and your devotion to the traditional Rites. In Christ,

Anonymous said...

Question: Will Paypal be a payment option for next year's Ordo?
