Thursday 4 September 2008

De ea, Of the day

Today is a common feria or weekday. The Office is taken from the ferial sections of the Breviary. The psalms are those given for Thursday and none of the antiphons are doubled. The three lessons at Mattins are those for Thursday of the first week of September.

At Lauds the collect of the preceding Sunday, Pentecost XVI, is sung followed by the Suffrage of the Saints. At Prime the Dominical preces are sung.

After Sext Mass of the preceding Sunday is sung but without either Gloria or Creed. The second collect is A cunctis, the third of the celebrants choosing. As the Gloria is not sung Benedicamus Domino is sung by the deacon as the dismissal.

The chants used for both the Office and Mass are ferial, two candlesticks are required by the Caeremoniale to be on the altar

Vespers are sung of the following feast of St. Lawrence Justinian. As the day is not actually the dies obitus the third line of the hymn Iste Confessor is changed from 'This day with merits full his labours o'er...' to 'This day receives those honours which are his...' This change is indicated in the Calendar and Ordo by the letters 'mtv' - mutatur tertius versus. As the feast is of semi-double rank the Suffrage of the Saints is sung and at Compline the Domincal preces are sung too.

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