Saturday 26 January 2013

Anticipated Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Today is the anticipated third Sunday after the Epiphany. The Sunday is of semi-double rite and the liturgical colour is green.

At Mattins the invitatory, hymn, antiphons and psalms are from the Psalter for Saturday. In the first nocturn the first and second lessons are the Incipit of the Epistle to the Galatians (from the third Sunday after the Epiphany) and the third lesson is the Incipit of the Epistle to the Ephesians (from the Wednesday after the third Sunday after the Epiphany. The responsories are those of the anticipated Sunday. In the second nocturn the lessons are from a tract of St. Augustine on the Epistle to the Galatians and in the third nocturn the homily is from St. Jerome on St. Matthew's Gospel. The Te Deum is sung.

At Lauds the antiphons, psalms, chapter and hymn are from the Psalter for Saturday. The antiphon on the Benedictus and collect are proper to the Sunday. After the collect of the Sunday a commemoration is sung of St. Polycarp. The Suffrage is omitted due to the double feast. At Prime the chapter is Regi saeculorum. The Dominical preces are omitted.

At the other Hours the antiphons and psalms are of the Saturday, the collect is of the Sunday. Mass is sung after Terce as normal for Sundays. At Mass the Gloria is sung, the second collect is of St. Polycarp. There is no third collect. The Creed is sung and the preface is of the Blessed Trinity.

At Vespers the liturgical mood and colour change. The altar is vested in violet and Vespers are of Septuagesima. After the collect of the Sunday a commemoration is sung of St. Chrysostom. The anticipated Sunday is not commemorated (Ordo MMXIII has a 'typo' suggesting it is - mea culpa. The Suffrage is omitted due to the occurring double feast. Alleluia is added, twice, to both Benedicamus Domino and to its response. After that Alleluia will not be heard until the Vesperal Liturgy of Holy Saturday. At Compline the Dominical preces are omitted.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' anticipated Sundays have been abolished. Today is the III class feast of St. Polycarp. The formerly double feast is stripped down to a single nocturn. At Vespers of Septuagesima there are no commemorations.

Art: Jerome Nadal.

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