The Second Sunday after Easter is of semi-double rite. The Sunday is often called Good Shepherd Sunday as the Gospel at Mattins and Mass is the account of the LORD telling the Pharisees that He is the Good Shepherd who knows His sheep and will lay down His life for them. The Sunday was commemorated in the Second Vespers of St. Mark the Evangelist along with SS Cletus and Marcellinus.
At Mattins the invitatory is Surrexit Dominus and the hymn Rex sempiterne Caelitum is sung. In the first nocturn the lessons are from the Acts of the Apostles, in the second nocturn the lessons are from a sermon of St. Leo on the Ascension and in the third nocturn a homily on the Gospels by St. Gregory the Great. The Te Deum is sung.
At Lauds a commemoration of SS Cletus and Marcellinus is made and then the Commemoration of the Cross is sung. This Commemoration takes the place of the Suffrage of the Saints in the time after Epiphany and Pentecost. The Commemoration of the Cross consists of the antiphon Crucifixus surrexit a mortuis..., a versicle and response and the collect Deus, qui pro nobis Filium...sequamur.
At Prime the Dominical preces are sung. Hymns of Iambic metre of course have the Paschaltide Doxology Deo Patri sit gloria etc. Mass follows Terce.
At Mass the Gloria is sung, the second collect is of SS Cletus and Marcellinus, the third collect Concede nos (of the BVM in Paschaltide). The Creed is sung and the preface is that of Paschaltide.
In Vespers a commemoration is made of the following feast of St. Peter Canisius and of SS Cletus and Marcellinus. The Commemoration of the Cross is not sung because of the commemorated double feast of St. Peter. Likewise the preces are not sung at Compline.
In the 'liturgical books of 1962' Mattins is cut to one nocturn, as usual. SS Cletus and Marcellinus get ignored (save of course an entry in yesterday's Martyrology). The Commemoration of the Cross is suppressed. The Hymns of the Little Hours do not have the Paschal Doxology. There is only one collect at Mass and at Vespers there are no commemorations.
Art: Jerome Nadal
Unrelated to the 2nd Sunday after Easter.
Can a pure silver, but ungilded, chalice be used for Holy Mass, or has the inner section of the cup to be gilded?.
According to the existing law of the Church the chalice, or at least the cup of it, must be made either of gold or of silver, and in the latter case the cup must be gilt [gold-plated] on the inside. In circumstances of great poverty or in time of persecution a calix stanneus (pewter) may be permitted, but the inside of this also, like the upper surface of the paten, must be gilt.
Thank you +DM.
Anonymous, Ritus I,1 specifies this; see also Defectibus X,1. There is no mention of gold in the new Ordo Missae of 1965.
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